The home from which I express myself to the world.
The pool that I pour myself into.
The central hub for my creativity.
What is the PDDYWGON purpose?
This website is a statement. It says that I am ready to take my skills and gifts seriously.
I want to work for myself.
I want to share online, from my own platform.
I want to show up in self believing confidence.
I want to show others that they can too!
Who is Paddy?
I am.
The common narrative never fit me well. School was more about being misunderstood and less about learning.
I was one of the round pegs forced into a square hole.
In search of a place to fit in I made many wrong turns and reached plenty of dead ends.
I spent my teens and early twenty’s getting arrested and addicted to ice.
I spent my mid-twenty’s partying and experimenting with human nature.
I spent my late twenty’s recovering and processing.
Now, in my 30’s, I am living a life of travel and exploration, in search of self realisation and a greater understanding of life.
I want to inspire others with my story, teach from what I’ve learnt and encourage the ability of overcoming and growth.
Because I want to be the best possible human I can be, for myself, but more so for all my relations.
I firmly believe that we are all uniquely great, each of us with important and special gifts to share.
I want to prove that.