The Power of Vulnerable Honesty
My left hand gripped the headphone cord and twisted it in the way that a shy child might handle the bottom edge of their t-shirt.
I was feeling incredibly open, and found it interesting that in my openness there was a shy vulnerability.

In the world
When the woman reached my row she stopped and asked me something in Spanish.
It caught me off guard, and I didn’t hear a word of what she said.
“Que”? I asked her, and she repeated the sentence.
The only word I recognised was “banco”…

Swimming in stars
The women were moving, and sounding, exploring their bodies and playing with the caves echoes.
I observed the beauty of the moment.
The child like abandonment.
The divinity.
The high pitched tones that they sung were broken into pieces by giggles.
They were sirens, mermaids.

Slippery Slope
I suddenly remembered that I still had my passport in my bag, something I never walk around with. This made me feel even more on edge. Losing some euro’s is ok, but if something goes wrong, I can’t afford to lose my passport.

Homeless in Dublin
He explained that the Dublin police are not very kind to the homeless, nor are the public. “Camping in the city is risky, and difficult to find good spots” he said.
“But we’re homeless” he nodded his head towards the other two, “and me and Roman have been camping in a good spot for the past 2 month without any problems. It’s just on the outskirts of town”, he told me.
“You can camp with us if you like”.

Into the mountains
As I climbed up and approached, I noticed the green fields that surrounded us.
The man sat there, watching me as I walked towards him.
He was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and beaten up earth stained Asics.