Welcome to the PDDYWGON

This podcast is built upon the idea that everybody has a story worth telling.

People are amazing, and they are everywhere. The here is to create a platform for regular people to tell their stories, share what they have learned and inspirationally motivate the listener.

The PDDYWGON PODCAST is a collection of conversations had with the familiar strangers Paddy meets on the road while exploring the world.

Interesting people. Inspiring stories.


You can also enjoy these episodes from the
DEEP DOWN UNDER podcast with DOOZ,
and the CREATIVE CONNECTORS podcast with Vicky Keeler.

In this episode Dooz deeps dig into my past as I tell my story.
We cover themes on travel, innovation, addiction, mental health, positive guides, graffiti, self development, hip hop and the importance of authenticity.

In this episode, Vicky uncovers my journey in the festival industry. We discuss the creation of The Hammock Temple, my performance offering Poems-4-Trade, creativity and the medicinal freedom that music festivals provide.

If you’d like to get in touch,